Blue Shiraz Smooth and Feathered Saluki


Copyright photo; Maria Blue Shiraz
Blue Shiraz Chippewa Outstanding well balanced built, beautiful, gentle and healthy.
"Wa-wa" was never shown, he did not like exhibitions.

At age 11 he was put down to sleep. Owner Blue Shiraz

Pedigree We continue to update the list
Shaykh Shiraz smooth
Sedeki Malsa
Blue Shiraz Meshed  smooth
Blue Shiraz Cree Jonathan feathered
Blue Shiraz Montesuma smooth
Blue Shiraz Drums feathered
Blue Shiraz Maya-in-Salah smooth
Blue Shiraz Damascus feathered
Blue Shiraz Ah-Ho-Appa feathered
Blue Shiraz Dakar feathered
Blue Shiraz Appa-Te-Ke smooth
Blue Shiraz Demavand feathered
Blue Shiraz Brahma feathered
Blue Shiraz Sahara smooth
Blue Shiraz Baba smooth
Blue Shiraz Gloria and Isfahan
Blue Shiraz Bat-Seba smooth
Blue Shiraz B- Litter
Blue Shiraz Chippewa smooth
Blue Shiraz Bat-Seba ring jumping
Blue Shiraz Crow of Little Malsa feathered

Blue Shiraz Cia-Ah-Appa feathered

Blue Shiraz Cherokee Appa feathered